
Who We Are

Executive Function Coaching in Florida

Executive Function coaching in Florida


Please note: Our coaching is now exclusively online. We have coaches ready to work with students and adults worldwide from the safety of your home.

We have trained Executive Function coaches ready to work with students via video across the US and internationally.

Beyond BookSmart has coaches across the US, including Florida. Our coaches work with students online in the comfort of their own homes. Using students’ academic work as a springboard, our coaches teach students how to organize, plan, prioritize, manage time, maintain focus, self-assess, and study efficiently.

We've worked with students in Florida since 2016, customizing our approach to each child depending upon the student’s attitude toward changing work habits. Our research-based model that draws from over 375 tools and strategies improves student self-management skills and leads to lasting change.

Our Florida students come from private and public elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Some have diagnoses such as ADHD or other learning differences and see coaching as excellent additional support to school-based interventions. Some of our clients have emotional challenges, such as anxiety, which impact their ability to work effectively; others have no formal diagnosis. Nevertheless, they find that they benefit from better work habits to work more efficiently with their busy schedules

Our Service Areas in Florida 

Our online coaches serve students all over Florida. Find an executive functioning & ADHD coach if you’re in Miami, Boca Raton, Tampa, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, and more.

Find out how Executive Function coaching can benefit your child.

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What Florida Students Can Expect

Before beginning executive coaching your child may struggle with organization, completing assignments on time, paying attention in class, and finding the motivation to succeed in school. Our coaches will take the time to figure out which areas clients need help with and tailor sessions to provide the most benefits.


Students will begin by meeting with our coaches once a week to learn and practice a number of tools and systems that will boost their executive functioning and self-regulation abilities. Clients often see improvements in their academic performance and confidence around learning in just a few sessions. Book a consultation with us today to learn why parents love us!

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Other Florida Resources to Support Your Child

Florida Department of Education includes information for parents about students with disabilities.

Florida Psychological Association includes a search feature to find a practitioner near you.

Beyond BookSmart was wonderful. They were able to get through to our daughter, get her organized, and get her back on track. Now, she is going to a great college and is fully prepared.
Adam, father of high school senior, Belmont, MA