
Check out our variety of resources and tips on Executive Function support, ADHD, mental health, and more

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By Dan Messier | Jul 08, 2020

What Will College Look Like This Fall?

Every new college semester is a transition: New classes, new teachers, sometimes even new friends. This coming fall, however, will compound all of those changes with another one: A new way of learning. Yes, students do have a few months practice with the skill of learning-during-a-pandemic, but the spring semester was cushioned by lenient (and sometimes required) pass...

By Dan Messier | Jul 08, 2020
By Dan Messier | Dec 16, 2019

The Anxious College Student: An Executive Function Connection

College students have plenty of fuel for anxiety. They’re in a social and academic environment that’s significantly different than any that they’re used to. They’re often trying to balance course work with a job - in addition to social and family obligations. And they’re doing all this while also trying to chart out a plan for their entire future (and trying not to th...

By Dan Messier | Dec 16, 2019
By Dan Messier | Apr 12, 2019

Are You Setting Up Your High School Student for College Success?

College freshmen don't always go on to become college seniors. In fact, according to, 30% of students don't return after their freshman year. That's a startling statistic to grasp for any parent of a high school student. What's behind those numbers? How can a parent ensure their soon-to-be young adult won't be in that 30% who don't make it to sophomor...

By Dan Messier | Apr 12, 2019
By Dan Messier | Nov 20, 2018

Not Ready for College? Essential Tactics for Gap Year Success

We all know the typical trajectory. It’s what most of your friends are doing: graduating high school, enjoying summer, and moving directly on to college. But that’s not the path for you. Some of your peers know exactly what they want to be and others are just going to college because it’s the next step... and that’s fine for them. But it’s not who you are. You need so...

By Dan Messier | Nov 20, 2018
By Dan Messier | Nov 20, 2017

A Day in the Life of an Adult with Executive Function Challenges

If you’re like me, your life is totally together and scheduled and organized and you never feel stressed or overwhelmed by anything. Ok, so maybe that’s not exactly true -- but that’s where improving Executive Function skills can help. Executive Function skills are certainly not only about helping kids manage schoolwork. While adults tend to have better self-managemen...

By Dan Messier | Nov 20, 2017
By Dan Messier | Oct 10, 2017

Failure to Launch in Young Adults & Executive Function Challenges

Brandon is a Young Adult with Failure to Launch Syndrome A Day in the Life of Brandon, Age 22 11:30 a.m. I blink and rub the sleep out of my eyes. Mom and Dad are at work and there’s no annoying alarm dictating the start of the day. I grab my phone, and (after checking Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat) I scroll through my emails to see if there are any repli...

By Dan Messier | Oct 10, 2017
By Dan Messier | Jun 26, 2017

Selecting the Right Support: Tutoring vs. Executive Function Coaching

You’ve reached one of those moments in parenting that you’ve dreaded: For the second quarter in a row, your son Ethan has come home with poor math grades on his report card. You want to get him the help he needs, so you hire a highly recommended tutor named Zak to help him out. Problem solved, right?

By Dan Messier | Jun 26, 2017
By Dan Messier | Mar 06, 2017

Creating Better Study Habits: How Your Brain Changes with Practice

When you work out your body, it’s usually because you’re looking to drop some fat. But when you work out your brain, you’re actually gaining some extra fat. Don’t worry, it’s not likely to register when you step on your scale. This fat operates at the microscopic level to help lock in skills and routines. How does your brain help you create better study habits? Well, ...

By Dan Messier | Mar 06, 2017
By Dan Messier | Feb 20, 2017

How to Help Your Child Get Started on Homework

Imagine walking through the city on a bright, sunny day, when you’re approached by a person holding a clipboard. Would you be more likely to stop and listen if the person says: “Would you be willing to take a survey for me?” or “Could I have just two minutes of your time?” If you’re like me, the second request seems easier to agree to than the first. I don’t want to w...

By Dan Messier | Feb 20, 2017

What are Executive Function skills?

Executive Function Skills are a set of cognitive skills that help individuals plan ahead, stay organized, regulate thoughts and behaviors, stay focused, and achieve their goals. Each of these skills can be taught, learned, and applied at any stage of life.

  • Time Management
  • Maintained Focus
  • Task Initiation
  • Stress Management
  • Organization
  • Prioritization
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