Routines are powerful tools that allow us to create space in our lives—space to focus on what truly ...
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Some people seem to have a fully functioning internal clock—they instinctively know how much time ha...
Students in United States schools have the right to access educational activities that are comparabl...
When it comes to managing life’s physical and mental clutter, Tyler Moore, known on Instagram as Tid...
As students get older and take on more responsibilities, their schedules get a bit more complex. The...
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A Vicious Cycle Feeds Lack of Motivation in Children
Have you ever seen kids give up and lose their interest in school? Is it laziness, lack of motivation, or is there more to the story? These children might be adept in many areas outside of school, but they have checked out of academics despite their potential to be successful students.
An Academic Coach is Always Learning
I was recently matched with a student, but my excitement about getting started with a new client was tempered with a bit of confusion and, frankly, frustration. There were multiple delays as I tried to schedule our first coaching session; either I received messages cancelling at the last minute or my emails and voicemails languished unanswered for days.
Executive Function Coaching Benefits Families: A Success Story
I love being an Executive Function coach and find it extremely rewarding. One of my favorite aspects of coaching is working with students of all ages whose needs vary greatly. I particularly enjoy the challenge of working with resistant students who may not yet see the benefit of academic coaching. At times, I have students who may refuse to work with me during a spec...
What are Executive Function skills?
Executive Function Skills are a set of cognitive skills that help individuals plan ahead, stay organized, regulate thoughts and behaviors, stay focused, and achieve their goals. Each of these skills can be taught, learned, and applied at any stage of life.
- Time Management
- Maintained Focus
- Task Initiation
- Stress Management
- Organization
- Prioritization