When it comes to managing life’s physical and mental clutter, Tyler Moore, known on Instagram as Tid...
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As students get older and take on more responsibilities, their schedules get a bit more complex. The...
Listening is an essential skill that helps kids learn, communicate and connect with others. It plays...
Have you ever felt extremely excited about a new hobby or activity, only to quickly lose interest a ...
Ruminations are repetitive thoughts that cause you to focus on replaying the same negative thoughts ...
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4 Tips for The High School to College Transition
Editor's note: This week, we invited Sara Sullivan, a rising senior at Brown University, to share her experience transitioning to college, and the advice that she wished she had known in high school.
How to Help Students with Anxiety: Top 8 Tips for Parents and Teachers
This month, we gathered an expert panel of behavioral science and education professionals to discuss the complex process of supporting students with anxiety. Although many of the insights they shared were directed toward practitioners who work with students, we couldn’t help but notice how relevant some of their advice was for parents, too. In this week’s article, we’...
When Your Technology Fails: 6 Tips for Calm Solutions
Imagine this - it’s the day of your World History exam. You’ve studied all week and are feeling confident. Your workspace is cleared and ready to go. Five minutes before the start time you attempt to log on to the main classroom page. A screen that says “no internet connection” is staring back at you. No, this can’t be happening! There are only four minutes left until...
What are Executive Function skills?
Executive Function Skills are a set of cognitive skills that help individuals plan ahead, stay organized, regulate thoughts and behaviors, stay focused, and achieve their goals. Each of these skills can be taught, learned, and applied at any stage of life.
- Time Management
- Maintained Focus
- Task Initiation
- Stress Management
- Organization
- Prioritization