Every child is different. Some have boundless energy with an extroverted personality. Others are more cautious and introverted. Both are completely OK. It’s important that your child develops their own sense of self without expectations from others. Even so, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be concerned about their behavior sometimes.
If your child seems to never stop moving around or talking, you may want to brush it off as them just “being a kid” or as a phase that they will grow out of. But when their nonstop movement and talking impact their success, such as disrupting a classroom, then it might be time to consider the possible causes of their behavior.
If your child won’t stop talking or moving in class, there are a few potential explanations. By learning about these possibilities, you can determine the next possible steps to address and alleviate the behavior if necessary.
What it means if your child doesn’t stop moving or talking in class
When your child is talkative and fidgety, it’s possible that they just have excessive energy or get too excited about a topic. You don’t want them to feel bad about being passionate or curious about their surroundings. However, if this impacts their behavior in certain environments that require silence and focus, such as in the classroom or during ceremonies, then it might be time to consider potential reasons, such as:
- Lack of challenge — If your child can’t stop talking or moving in class, they could be bored. They may not feel challenged or stimulated by the material. In fact, students who have a significantly higher level of intelligence than others their age, known as gifted students, tend to be highly energetic and talk excessively.
- Stress and/or anxiety — People of all ages can feel stressed. It can manifest in different ways, such as hyperactivity and restlessness. Your child may be feeling stressed out or anxious. This can result in feelings of adrenaline that may affect their communication and movement. If it’s a persistent or worsening problem, they may have an anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety disorder.
- ADHD — When you talk to others about your child being unable to sit still for an extended period, you’ll likely be asked if they have ADHD. This is because the condition is one of the most common childhood neurodevelopmental disorders. According to a data survey, approximately 50% of adults diagnosed with ADHD had an onset age before the age of 7. More than 95% had an onset by the age of 12. ADHD can cause constant fidgeting or physical movement, interrupting conversations, and talking at a rapid speed. If you think your child may have ADHD, you should seek professional help for a diagnosis. Talk to your child’s pediatrician or book an appointment with a child psychologist.
What to do if your child can’t stop talking and moving
You don’t want to discourage your child from talking or moving. Children must learn to express themselves, and that often involves talking a lot about a topic. Being active is an essential aspect of their health and well-being that they should become accustomed to at an early age. But if they can’t stop talking and moving, it can hurt their learning as well as their ability to form friendships with others who may have trouble “keeping up.” As a parent, it can also be emotionally, mentally, and physically draining to try to provide them with enough attention while they’re moving or talking.
If you’re concerned about the amount of talking and movement of your child, you can discuss their behavior with their pediatrician and the impact it’s having on their everyday life. Their doctor may screen them for an anxiety disorder or ADHD to determine if they meet the criteria for a diagnosis. They also may refer you to a specialist, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.
If your child’s excessive talking and movement aren’t symptoms of a condition, then you can collaborate with their doctors and teachers to determine potential solutions for long-term results, such as lifestyle changes or strategies to incorporate into their education.
Beyond BookSmart can help your child develop the skills necessary to talk and move less in class
No matter what the reason is for your child talking or moving too much, there are ways for them to improve. The goal of addressing this problem isn’t to stop them from being themselves or water themselves down. Still, it’s important that they understand when and how to adjust their behavior in settings that don’t allow for excessive talking and moving, especially in the classroom.
Whether your child has ADHD, has anxiety, or just finds it generally challenging to sit still, there are Executive Function skills that can help. Executive Function skills are life management skills that we all need in order to be effective in planning, initiating, and achieving goals at home, in school, and in the workplace.
When it comes to excessive movement and talking in a classroom setting, Executive Function skills like focus and emotional regulation can help your child adjust their behavior and improve their overall academic success.
At Beyond BookSmart, we offer Executive Function coaching services for students in kindergarten through college. Executive Function skills are coachable, trainable, and can be applied for success.
Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an inquiry call.
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