Beyond BookSmart

We are the leading experts in Executive Function, providing customized and comprehensive support for students and adults since 2006.
Beyond BookSmart, the nation's leading Executive Function coaching company for children and adults, supports students from grade school through college who can benefit from learning life management skills. In addition, professionals gain success at work through Beyond BookSmart’s WorkSmart division, which caters to coaching professionals struggling to meet the demands of daily work deadlines. BrainTracks, a Beyond BookSmart coaching company, works directly with schools to help busy teachers manage their classrooms so that students are focused, motivated, and engaged.

Meet the Beyond BookSmart
Leadership Team

Edward Musmon
John Frank
PhD, Director of Research and Development
Lisa Cambra
Director of Human Resources
Melissa Doody
Director of Sales and Interim Director of Marketing
Susan Lohman
Director of School Programming
Tricia Butler
Director of Operations
Meet the Operations, Customer Success,
and Professional Development Teams

Patrice Bryant
Human Resources Assistant
Sharon Bryant
Office Administrator
Neal Elliott
Professional Development Specialist
Annabel Furber
Research and Development Manager
Ira Lawson
Coach Development Manager
Patrice Pelaez
Customer Success Associate
Sarah Watkins
Operations Manager
Meet the Client Services,
Outreach, & Marketing Teams

Justice Abbott
Content Marketing Manager
Hannah Choi
Communications & Engagement Specialist
Wendy Craven
Senior Outreach Coordinator
Maggie Hickey
Content and Brand Specialist
Maggie Keegan
Client Services Coordinator
Stephanie Pachon
Account Executive
Sean Potts
Marketing Optimization Manager
Rose Saluti
Outreach Coordinator
Tessa Shallenbarger
Outreach Coordinator
Meet our staff Executive
Function Consultants

Karl Apelgren
EF Consultant
Marissa Edwards
EF Consultant
Cassandra Estey
EF Consultant
Diane Hawley
EF Consultant
Vin Kachurik
EF Consultant
Christine Kellar
EF Consultant
Mariam Mahmoud
EF Consultant
Amy McDuffie
EF Consultant
Heather Tuller
EF Consultant
Lisa Wickenheiser
EF Consultant
Meet our
Board of Directors

Brian Corey

Michael Delman

Leigh Meaders

Lucian Snow
Explore our solutions for students, adults and schools
for students
of all ages
Leaders in Executive Function coaching for students since 2006.

for adults
in all walks of life
A Beyond BookSmart Coaching company for adults

for schools
of all types
A Beyond BookSmart mentoring company for school classrooms
Get advice straight from the experts. Check out our variety of resources and tips on Executive Function support, ADHD, mental health, and more.